Chapter 1 - Why Questions?
Chapter 2 - What is the Purpose of Life?
Chapter 3 - Does God Exists?
Chapter 4 - What Radically Changed?
Chapter 5 - The Law of "No" Land?
Chapter 6 - Who is the Enemy?
Chapter 7 - Who is the Eucharist?
Chapter 8 - Who am I?
Chapter 1 - Part 1
Why Questions?
As human beings, you and I know there are many questions that have been answered overtime. We also know there must be many questions that have not yet been answered. Questions are an essential part of our existence, yet at some point, we seem to reduce or ignore some of the important questions we can ask. Take, for example, the question of truth. What is truth? Can we see it? Can we feel it? Can we taste it? Is it an ontological phenomenon? Is it simple or complex or both? Could it be a relative interpretation that is confounded in space and time? Or even a psychological experience that influences the reality of existence?
Some people may answer the question of truth by saying “it is what you believe.” Others may say “it is what you perceive.” We can probably imagine that to begin answering such question many things need to be taken into consideration. Things like the relative topic of the sought out truth, points of reference, personal experiences, etc. For many, this could make answering such question a difficult and lengthy task to tackle. Which could cause many to give up on answering such question. Of course, once in that habit, we may fall into avoiding many questions that we find complex or time consuming in nature. Thus, missing out on opportunities to possibly evolve our way of living…until…some tragedy strikes.
Chapter 1 - Part 2
We all hope the answer to the last question is “no,” though this may not be the reality for many. As for what questions some are avoiding, it does not take a lot of energy to find the deeper questions around us. Some, might be staring us in the face as they live in our mirrors, literally or intellectually. Others live with us at home or in our communities. Whatever those questions are, our focus will not just be on finding them, but also finding out the answers. In order to do so, however, we need to realize that not all answers are created equal.
Consume the Consumer
As human beings, we can safely say that we live in very interesting times. Compared to our ancestors, near and far, we have things today at our disposal that could not have been imagined in the past. The advancements we have made over time are incredible. These advancements have given us an opportunity at accessing enormous amount of information at lightning speed. While this might be something that should help our cause of questions and answers, it does complicate things bit. The complication comes from the confusion that many mistake information for knowledge. Not knowing the difference between the two, can be detrimental.
Some, in our generation, use the words information and knowledge interchangeably. Many times we hear the sentence “someone is very knowledgeable of the subject, he/she has a lot of information about it.”
Chapter 1 - Part 3
Tolerance for Tolerance
As human beings, we appear to have primacy over other creatures. When looking at survival of the fittest from pure physical attributes, humans should not really be the superior beings. We are certainly not the strongest, fastest, or largest. We do, however, have some factors that distinguish us from the rest of the creatures. Some of those factors include intelligence, consciousness and superior collaboration probably due to intelligence and consciousness. These superior collaborations would have allowed us to create large scale communities that evolved and became the source of survival against our original predators.
Today, of course, we do not have the same predators as our ancestors once faced. Today, our predators might be something that can affect our superior collaborative abilities….like laziness, complacency, or even Technology. Of course, technology, is not bad in its essence, as it is a great tool that helps us in many different ways. It is, however, changing the way we interact with each other.
Not too long ago, I was invited to a gathering of about seventy people that took place in the evening. Most of the people knew who the others were, but some did not. I was one of the latter. After few minutes of arrival and saying hellos to the ones I knew, I found myself walking around looking for an interesting conversation to engage in.